A Simcity addict of the 90's, Tim Stutts launched Push Pop Design in the fall of 2009, with the intent of designing awesome applications. Previous to that he spent three years working as a sound designer for interactive media and another four years designing software applications within an academic environment, a fortune 500 company and two start-ups. Tim holds a masters degree from NYU in Interactive Telecommunications and a BFA from CalArts in Music Technology. At PDD he works in a holistic capacity as an interaction designer, creative coder and sound designer, seeking opportunities where these domains overlap. His applications and frameworks of choice are Omnigraffle and Fireworks for creating UX deliverables; Processing and OpenFrameworks for creative coding; and Logic Audio for Sound Design. PPD is currently building a team of creative/technical professionals for the purpose of taking on larger contracts and designing and distributing it's own offerings. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact us.